Tree Board.

In 1999 the goal of becoming a Tree City USA was included in Hamilton's Vision 2020 planning document. A group was formed to design a plan to meet the requirements established by the Arbor Day Foundation to earn the Tree City USA designation. One such requirement was the establishment of a tree advisory board.

An ad hoc group of citizens worked with City staff to established the Hamilton Tree Advisory Board and after the selection of Board members, the first meeting was held in September 2000. The Tree Board is charged with advising the City Council and administration on matters related to the City’s urban forest.

Regular Board Meetings.

  • 6:00 p.m.

  • 2nd Thursday of every month

  • City Council Chambers
    Municipal Building
    1st Floor
    345 High Street
    Hamilton, OH 45011

Agenda & Meeting Minutes

For agenda and meeting minutes to prior board meetings, please submit a request to

Board Members

  • Dave Bienemann, Municipal Arborist

  • Dr. Dan Gladish, Chairman (17 Strong - New London)

  • Terie Grant, Secretary (17 Strong - Highland Park)

  • Armand Bloch (17 Strong - Washington)

  • Harold Gentry (17 Strong - Taft Place)

  • Alyssa Myers (17 Strong - Lindenwald)

  • Kathy Schwable (17 Strong - Lindenwald)

  • Alexander “Ivy” Yemaneab (17 Strong - East End)

Tree City USA.

The Arbor Day Foundation first recognized Hamilton, Ohio as a Tree City USA community in 2005, and the Hamilton Tree Advisory Board has been successful in earning this national designation for Hamilton every year since. 

Hamilton achieves its annual Tree City USA recognition by meeting the program’s four requirements: a tree board or department, a tree-care ordinance, an annual community forestry budget of at least $2 per capita, and an Arbor Day observance and proclamation. 

The Tree City USA program is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation, in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters. More information on the program is available here.
