Paving Decisions
How will streets be chosen for levy funds?
During the decade that the levy has been approved for, 2021-2030, levy funds will pay for the majority of residential street paving projects in the City of Hamilton.
The levy funds will be split among Hamilton’s 17 neighborhoods based upon the percentage of streets that are within each neighborhood. So if ‘Neighborhood A’ has 15% of the total length of streets in the City, that neighborhood will receive approximately 15% of the funding from the levy over the decade that it has been approved for.
A number of factors are considered, but the levy funds will be primarily directed by public input.
Public Input.
Unique to the projects funded by levy is that they are centered around resident input. Once we have finished public input in a given year, a list of priority streets for each neighborhood will be given to our Department of Infrastructure to plan for the following year. Please note that each neighborhood will not see paving projects every year.
Overall Condition.
Streets assessed as the “worst of the worst,” or labeled as requiring immediate repair because of the potential danger they pose to vehicles, are considered first. Additionally, streets approaching critical maintenance thresholds where deterioration is expected to speed up exponentially are given priority.
When we bid projects, the closer together street repair projects are in distance and span of time, the less upfront cost the City will have to pay. Because of this, factors such as mobilizing equipment and crews are typically prorated differently due to less travel and other fees associated with having to stop and start again.
Planned Projects.
To avoid digging up a newly repaired street, the City will hold off on repairing streets in scheduled or anticipated underground utility project areas.
Traffic Volume.
The more traffic a street has, the more wear and tear it typically endures. Thus, the more need it has for repairs to keep it functioning as needed.
Outside Funding.
The State of Ohio provides about 80% of the funding required to repair state routes approximately every 15 years. The streets included in this pool will be set aside for when their repairs will be assisted by the State.
Worst First vs. Maintenance
Most streets will need some structural work after about 10 years or so. Waiting longer causes street degradation to increase exponentially. If preventative treatments such as crack sealing are maintained, life expectancy of a street can be extended significantly. Preventative measures play a big role in keeping the costs of street repair manageable. Once a street has deteriorated too far, it becomes incredibly expensive to fix and is essentially deemed irreparable. Though it may seem like streets are being consistently “repaired/repaved” when in good condition, resurfacing gives the street an added safeguard against degrading past the point of no return.
The City of Hamilton tries to balance the need to address the worst streets with the need to prevent ‘Good’ and ‘Fair’ streets from falling below the point of no return, where they will require full reconstruction.
Which streets would you like to see paved?
Resident feedback will be accepted year-round. Input to be considered for paving projects to be started in 2022 is due by 8/1/21. Streets chosen for repaving will be announced on or before January 31 of each year. Weather may push planned paving projects into the following calendar year.
Ways to provide feedback:
It is most efficient for residents to use the survey tool that is linked at the top of the page and below here. However, we realize that not everyone has access to a computer or smart device. If you know of someone who would like to provide input, but cannot access a computer or smart device, he/she may leave a voicemail or send a letter by mail.
By Computer or Smart Device (preferred):
By Phone:
Call 513-785-7155
Leave a voicemail that includes Name, Home Address, Phone OR Email, and up to three streets to be paved.
By Mail:
Street Levy Feedback
345 High Street, Floor 4
Hamilton, Ohio 45011
Please provide your full name, address, and up to three streets by naming the street you would like to see worked on AND the cross street closest to the center of the area where you would like to see work done. If we have any questions about your feedback you may be contacted by the Department of Neighborhoods.
Feel free to email neighborhoods@hamilton-oh.gov with any questions or concerns.