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Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting

  • City of Hamilton - City Council Chambers Municipal Building 345 High St. Hamilton (map)

The Board of Zoning Appeals hears requests for variances as relief from statutes of the zoning ordinance. Learn More.

September 1, 2023 - Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA)

Agenda Item #1

BZA 2023-09-008: Appeal of ADRB Decision

Appeal of a Certificate of Appropriateness issued through Architectural Design and Review Board

Policy and Guidelines Administrative Process.

Agenda Item #2

BZA 2023-09-009: Variance Request 573 Main Street

Variance Request 1: Section 1413 Fences (Commercial Use) (A) Maximum Height six (6) feet in the rear and side yards.

Agenda Item #3

BZA 2023-09-010: Variance Request 1024 Brough Ave

Variance 1: Section 1504 Narrow Lot Provisions: Lots 45-54 feet wide: Applicant has

constructed a driveway which is located one foot six inches (1’6”) from the property line.

Variance 2: Section 1504 Narrow Lot Provisions: Lots 45-54 feet wide: Applicant has

constructed an accessory structure which is located one foot six inches (1’6”) from the property line.

August 23

Second Round of Zoning Text Amendments (Public Hearing) — City Council, August 23, 2023, 6:00 PM (Copy)

September 7

Planning Commission (Day), September 7, 2023, 1:30 PM, Council Chambers